Round The Wicket: Cricket, life and random thoughts

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Fibs and TWIBS

Cut out for the limelight, that's what I am. No wonder all the business newspapers around town have been queueing up to catch a few pearls of wisdom from me and elicit my views on subjects of national import. Given my media-shyness and pressing schedule though, I invariably have to disappoint them and send them home empty handed. However, occasionally when I'm not flying across the globe or busy in client presentations, I eke out a few minutes to oblige them. Last week, the beneficiaries of my generosity happened to be a team from the Business Standard, who waited for four hours for a 30 second sound byte from me. As is usually the case, my views were plastered all across the next day's paper. If you missed it, here you go ... Click here PS: I'm at present suffering from an ailment called TWIBS: TWo-months-Into-Bschool-Syndrome. TWIBS affects all those who over a period of time write tests/quizzes for more number of hours in a day than they sleep in two. The most obvious and serious effect of this deadly disease is to lapse into denial mode and not accept reality. Some victims are known to have said "life's great" after an eighteen hour working day; others have turned to philosophy and postulate that our purpose in life is to "add value to customers". And yeah, after a newspaper recently spoke to one victim and devoted an entire 'line' on Page 9 to what he said, the poor chap believes the entire media world is waiting for his expert opinions. :-)


  • yeah saw the piece... hey it was more than a line, yaar :-)

    By Blogger Harikumar Pillai, at 8/11/2005 04:45:00 AM  

  • Why our bachch has become famous :-)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/14/2005 11:57:00 AM  

  • after all, the media's always desperate for a few sound-bytes from the 1st man in indian cricket! especially after his recent spate of hometown visits leaving his 'team' (read flatties) to face the music....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8/22/2005 08:54:00 AM  

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