Round The Wicket: Cricket, life and random thoughts

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Thursday on a Tuesday

Never thought this day would come ... me getting a chance to blog on a non-Thursday (Hari, please note!). Well, today is a comparatively relaxed evening for the usually harrowed first year students at SPJIMR. For the uninitiated, we have a day off only on Thursdays, which is mostly just an opportunity for the faculty to burden us with even more work! Nonetheless, Thursdays do provide enough time for activites the civilized world does all through the week -- read the newspapers (not just catch the headlines), watch some TV (not just hear about earth shattering events like Bangladesh beating Australia) and of course, post on my blog! But, wonder of wonders, today isn't Thursday and you still get to hear from me! Hope this doesn't leak to the faculty, otherwise a bundle of assignments might just roll out of their closets straight into our mailboxes! Today hasn't exactly been a "free" day -- the usual rigmarole of classes happened just as usual. The only relieving factor is that there's no "must-submit-by-9PM-today" or for that matter even a "must-submit-by-9AM-tomorrow" assignment. And even more unbelievable - there isn't any (announced) test tomorrow either! What that effectively means is there's time for a nice long evening nap, without the guilt which would accompany the same on other days! Of course, all this happiness (and laziness) isn't likely to last till way past tomorrow morning, when a surprise quiz shall undoubtedly find its way to our desks! Anyway, the one thing I've figured out quite quickly (and smartly I should say) is that tomorrow's perils will be handled tomorrow! For now, its time to hit the sack and forget about the outside world ... snorrrrrrre!


  • surprise, surprise...!!

    By Blogger Harikumar Pillai, at 6/21/2005 08:52:00 AM  

  • hey madhav..this is are you doing man? Life seems tough in SPJ but its all well worth i'm sure you must be really enjoying slogging it out.
    I discovered this blog just today when i read one of your posts on PG. Your blog & all the links are awesome really rocks!!! Even i'm inspired to start off a blog by seeing yours & your frndz blogz, but i'm keeping that pending till i join a B-School. My post must be an odd one out here, since your blog is completely dominated by SPCE guys. Anyways, all the best for your life at SPJ, do keep blogging & keep in touch. I have added you in my Yahoo messenger list.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6/22/2005 04:34:00 AM  

  • Hey Navin ... great to hear from you! Keep in touch :)

    By Blogger Madhav, at 6/22/2005 11:58:00 AM  

  • Hey Madhav, your writing(should I say blogging) spirit is certainly commendable.You are writing a blog when you hardly get a shred of leisure time.

    By Blogger ravitheonlyone, at 6/24/2005 12:51:00 PM  

  • you have ANNOUNCED TESTS ?!?

    we have announced quizzes too.a notice at 1:10 as one leaves class for a 2:30 quiz. you skip lunch if you want to make the most of it.

    and yes, surprise quizzes. in class, straight out of the blue. like the manac quiz on the first day, first lecture.

    By Blogger V, at 6/30/2005 01:52:00 AM  

  • hahaha,

    u seem to be in a position which we would normally call 'gloshed'. Dunno how B-school is like but my eng degree sure sounded the same. enjoy :)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 7/18/2005 08:03:00 PM  

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